Authors Guidelines

Guide for Authors

Original papers of Biological and Biotechnological interest are published in the International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology. The journal is a quarterly publication. In a year 4 issues of the journal in January, April, July and October would be published. The manuscript, written in English, should not exceed 16 pages in length and it should be typed in double spacing throughout on A-4 or American quarto paper. Extra pages will be charged @ Rs. 200 or $5 per page.

All pages should be numbered. Abbreviations should be defined the first time that they are used in the manuscript and a list of abbreviations used should also be provided.

Format of the Manuscripts:

Abstract (not more than 200 words)

Key Words


Materials and Methods

Results (as concise as possible)

Discussion or may combine Results and Discussion



The abstract should not exceed 200 words and it should condense the essential features of the article.
Authors must supply up to six to eight key words below the Abstract.
The main text may be subdivided into separate sections. The review article should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material, which has already been published in any previous review. The references should appear in brackets in the text. Acknowledgements should be kept to a minimum.
The tables should be numbered consecutively, must be titled, and should be given separately with indications on the left hand margin to the text where the authors would like the tables to be inserted in the proofs. The tables should not contain vertical rules.
Figures should be referred to as (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2) etc. in the text with the Figure numbers given in bold. Each figure should be accompanied by a caption which should describe briefly the important features displayed in the Figure.
Colored illustrations and plates can be published from 35 mm color slides. Figures should be 70 mm or 180 mm wide wherever possible. Photographs of biological systems should be provided with a scale bar, where required. For colour plates, the authors will be charged as per cost of printing.
The chemical structures must be prepared using ChemDraw (any version) and should be provided as a separate file and submitted both on disk and in printed formats. The structures should fit into a width of 8 cm (for structures to be inserted within single column widths) or a width of 18 cm (for structures or schemes to be inserted in double column widths).
Authors are asked to explain each scientific abbreviation at its first occurrence in their paper. For example Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). SI (Systems Internationals) symbols should be used.
Only papers closely related to the author’s work should be mentioned. References should be cited in the text, in case of one author e.g., Zaki (1999) or (Zaki, 1999); in case of two authors e.g., Hague and Gowen, (1987) or (Hague and Gowen, 1987); or more than two authors e.g., Shaukat et al., (2002) or (Shaukat et al., 2002). References will appear in alphabetic order and should follow the following style:

Shaukat, S.S., I.A. Siddiqui, G.H. Khan and M.J. Zaki (2002). Nematicidal and allelopathic potential of Argemone mexicana, a tropical weed. Plant and Soil, 245: 239-247.
Khan, D., R. Ahmad and M.Q. Channa (2003). A Phytosociological study of vegetation of some highly saline and waterlogged sites of Hyderabad District, Sindh, Pakistan. Hamdard Medicus, 46 (1): 51 – 68.

References to books and monographs should include (1) author (s) or editor (s) (2) year of publication (3) title (4) edition (5) place of publication and publisher (6) beginning and final page numbers.

Hague, N.M.H. and S.R. Gowen (1987). Chemical control of nematodes. In: Principles and Practices of Nematode Control in Crops. (R.H. Brown and B.R. Kerry Eds.). Academic Press, Sydney, pp.131-178.

Rahman, A.U. and Z. Shah (1993). Stereoselective Synthesis in Organic Chemistry. Spring-Verlag, New York.

Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if the permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text with details provided as footnotes.
Editor-in-Chief or Editor
International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi
No printing charges
Processing Fee:
For normal paper upto 8 pages:     Rs. (Pak) 8000.00      US $ 100.00
For review article upto 12 pages:   Rs. (Pak) 10000.00      US $ 150.00
    Individual  US $ 200
    Institution US $ 300
    Individual  Rs. 8000
    Institution Rs. 10000
Method of Payment:
Demand draft is accepted in favour of: International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, A/c # 4100068193, National Bank of Pakistan, University branch (branch code 0071), IBAN NO. PK48NBPA0071004100068193
Authors are sent page proofs. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned within 48 hours. Major changes are not acceptable at the proof stage.
It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript the authors agree that the copyright of their article is transferred to the publishers if and when the article is accepted for publication.
All papers submitted for publication will be immediately subjected to editorial scrutiny, usually in consultation with members of the International Advisory Board. Every effort will be made to assess the papers quickly. The papers will be typeset and the proofs dispatched to the authors normally within 4 weeks of their acceptance.
  • All the work reported in the manuscript must be original and free from any kind of plagiarism.

  • The work should not have been published elsewhere or submitted to any other journal(s) at the same time.

  • Any potential conflict of interest must be clearly acknowledged.

  • Proper acknowledgements to other work reported (individual/company/institution) must be given. Permission must be obtained from any content used from other sources.

  • Only those who have made any substantial contribution to the interpretation or composition of the submitted work, should be listed as ‘Authors’. While other contributors should be mentioned as ‘co-authors’.

  • Addition or change of authors is not accepted after evaluation.

  • Any allegation of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is founded, we will reject the submission and may also choose not accept future submission.